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August 1, 2022 0
2022-08-01 13:52 Researchers admit that the divorce rate in the USA was 2.3 per 1,000 of the population ...
July 13, 2022 0
2022-07-13 16:41 When you are in love, you try to impress a girl in every possible way. Most ...
June 29, 2022 0
The result of a good relationship is the desire to see each other more often.  Sometimes men do not ...
June 23, 2022 0
You may be the best man in the world but potential partners may never find it out. The ...
May 12, 2022 0
Perhaps almost every man has been wondering about stuff that girl likes. Some think that women appreciate a ...
April 26, 2022 0
Modern technologies have already greatly changed our lifestyle and they surely will keep doing it. We search for ...
September 14, 2018 0
Years may have gone by since you last dated, so how do you jump back in a qualitative ...
August 17, 2018 0
Depending on the people with whom communication occurs, each of us adheres to a certain distance.  Exactly it ...
August 17, 2017 0
Love is not something that is shown in a movie.  It does not consist of only romantic dates ...