The popularity of situationships made people ask more than just “Are you single?” when meeting a new potential partner. Now it’s more like, “Are you single but you have a husband?” or “Are you single, but you and your ex are best friends?” In addition, you can never tell what kind of relationship the person is looking for. But before answering that question yourself, think about this: how many types of relationships do you know? A hint: there are at least five. 

In this article, I’ll break down the main types of relationship status. Curious? Read on. 

Relationship Status Meaning: How Do You Define Relationship Status?

Defining relationship status meaning involves understanding the nature of a romantic connection. You typically look for a word or phrase is supposed to describe the current state of your romantic life. 

Some of you might end up in situations where it is hard to explain what kind of connection you are having. For instance, there are people living together but not dating and people who have been in an exclusive relationship for years and still haven’t moved in. So it can get really confusing when it comes to describing your status. But I can assure you, there is a word for everything. 

Many get a puzzled look on their faces when asked whether they are single. There are so many ways to answer this – I’m not kidding! Guess what the most common answer is? Right, “It’s complicated.” You may be the one getting confused by such a response or the one giving it. Because sometimes you truly can’t find words to describe what your love life looks like. Later in this article, I will give you a few tips on what to consider to get some clarity in this area. 

relationship status

Common Relationship Status Types

Imagine someone is asking you whether you are open to dating. Or perhaps they are wondering if you have a girlfriend. What do you answer? Keep in mind that each relationship status carries its own set of expectations and implications. Check out this list to give the most precise response when talking about romantic life. 


The U.S. Census Bureau reports that nearly 47% of the population — over 117 million people — are currently single. Having this status just means you’re not dating anyone and you are not in a relationship right now. Quite simple, right? If you want to explain in more detail, you could mention that you’re focusing on yourself, or you just haven’t met the right person yet. It’s basically something like your default setting until something changes. So if a cute girl in a bar asks, “Are you seeing anyone?” and your answer is, “Nah, I’m single,” it just means you’re flying solo at the moment.

👏Some people love being single because it gives them the freedom to do what they want when they want. Others are looking for someone to connect with but just haven’t found the right match yet. Which category do you belong to?

In a relationship

At first, you might think that this one is very simple too. It means you are romantically involved with someone. What else is there to add? However, this gets complicated because there are many subtypes of the “in a relationship” status. For example, it can be exclusive or open, long-distance or casual. It can range from a new thing to being together for years, but the key is that you have someone special in your life. Now do you see why I emphasized diversity at the very beginning of this article? 

💝When you are in a relationship, it, in most cases, goes without saying that you are not actively dating other people. So as soon as you announce your status, you’re basically off the market and committed to someone. At this point, it doesn’t matter if it’s been a few months or a few years. It may be serious or still developing, but either way, it’s official enough to mention it.


💍 Engagement is the step right before marriage. Nothing completely new here. You and your partner have decided to tie the knot for good, but haven’t walked down the aisle just yet. If you have recently gotten engaged, congratulations! Now you can share your new status with other people.

💘 So, what does being engaged mean to the seriousness of your romantic connection? Basically, you’ve both said, “Yep, this is my person,” and now you’re planning a future together. Engagements can last months or even years. Who’s counting, right? No matter how soon the ceremony is going to happen. Either way, you’re in it for the long haul.



Being married means you’ve officially made a legal and emotional commitment to another person. It’s something much more serious than just dating or even being engaged as some engagements never make it to the next level. All in all, when you announce that you are married, people understand that you’re together with someone for the long run. You going to be facing all the joys and challenges that come with being a legally confirmed couple.

⛔️Now, let’s talk about the sensitive side of this relationship status. Sometimes, people are unhappy in their marriages. However, instead of asking for a divorce, they choose to date someone on the side. They might define their status as, “I’m married, but we don’t even talk to each other,” or something similar. You need to be cautious when meeting someone like this, as they essentially begin a potential relationship with dishonesty regarding their partner.

It’s complicated

This is kind of the wildcard. You hear it and think to yourself, what does relationship status mean when she puts it like that? Basically, people say it when their romantic connection cannot be defined by common labels. It’s when the best you’ve got to say is, “I’m kind of involved with someone… but it’s not going particularly well right now.”

Let me show you the five most common situations that can be described with that status: 

  1. On-again, off-again: You’ve broken up and gotten back together a few times. This leaves you both confused about where you stand.
  2. Unresolved issues: You truly care about each other. However, there are still problems you haven’t talked about, and they make things feel awkward between you two.
  3. Friendship turning romantic: You’ve got feelings for a friend. But you are afraid to confess, as it might mess up your friendship. Dating other people feels wrong either. 
  4. Communication breakdown: You’re still talking, but the conversations are weird or not happening often. This makes it hard to figure out who you are to each other.
  5. Ambiguous breakup: You’ve broken up but still hang out, text, or exchange funny reels on Instagram. This is the worst, as one of you is definitely confused about whether it’s really over while the other person may be totally confident that you are not together anymore.

😵‍💫 Here is a common scenario that leads to such a status: you had a big argument with your partner, and now you are feeling unsure about who you are to each other. You’re still connected, but there’s a lot of uncertainty. So when someone at the cafe asks, “Are you dating someone?” you are likely to reply, “It’s complicated.” From this response, people quickly realize that there’s some drama involved.

Casual dating

Seeing someone without the pressure of commitment — why not? What is a relationship status “casual dating?” It means that you’re enjoying the other person’s company, going out on dates, and likely having an intimate connection. But there is no discussing your future together or talking about exclusivity. Not everyone likes this kind of dating, but some consider it a dream. 

Seeing each other casually comes with its own intricacies. If you have never tried it before, you may feel like you need some navigation. Read these tips to be more confident about what you are doing: 

  • Have fun: You’ve got the freedom of casual dating, so make the most out of it! Don’t take anything too seriously. Simply focus on having a good time.
  • Be honest: From the start, make it clear that you’re looking for something casual. If you “feel like that,” it doesn’t mean the other person “feels” the same way about your connection. 
  • Respect boundaries: Keep in mind that you’re both free to see other people. If one of you starts dating someone else, don’t get jealous or start blaming them. Instead, be supportive and understanding. 
  • Talk about what’s on your mind: If anything changes in the way you feel about the other person, let them know. The same applies to when you have met someone else and truly fell in love with them. 
  • Know when to move on: Normally, casual dating is something temporary. At some point, all people want to either be on their own or commit to someone. If you find that you want something more serious, don’t be afraid to walk away.


You were once married but have legally ended that marriage. Sounds rather clear, doesn’t it? When someone asks, “Are you seeing anyone?” and you say, “I’m divorced,” it tells them you’ve been through a big life event. This response often opens the door to new opportunities.

What’s a relationship status “diverced” about? For people who recently got divorced, starting dating again can feel exciting but also a little intimidating. That’s what you need to consider if you meet someone with such a status. Be ready that they carry some emotional baggage and likely sad stories. 


👶👧Being divorced can also mean figuring out co-parenting. So if you know that the person you fancy was married once, remember to ask whether she has children. Unfortunately, some women prefer to “forget” to mention this aspect when flirting with someone. 

The lady you have met might still communicate with her ex about schedules, school events, and other parenting responsibilities. If she was clear about having kids from the beginning, though, it’s a good sign showing that she is an honest person who is able to take care of others. 

How to Understand Your Relationship Status

Understanding your relationship status is essential because it shapes your expectations and helps you communicate better with others. Whether you’re single, casually dating, in a committed relationship, or navigating something more complex, clarity can make a huge difference. So, how do you define your relationship status? Consider the following: 

  • Who you’re seeing: Are you single, dating someone, or in a serious relationship? It’s just about who’s in the picture (or not.) 
  • How serious things are: Is it casual, or are you exclusive? Yes, there is always a word for it, even if you don’t like how it sounds. If you’re engaged or married, this means you’re fully committed.
  • Your legal situation: For married folks or if you’re separated, divorced, or in a domestic partnership, it’s about where you stand legally.
  • The emotional aspect: Sometimes it’s clear, and other times it’s complicated. You can also be in an open relationship where you’re committed but still see other people.
  • Life circumstances: Here I’m talking about things like being widowed, long-distance, or in some totally unique situation (which also must have a name!)
relationship status meaning

Summing – up

It’s crucial to understand various relationship status types if you want to date successfully. Are you single, in a relationship, engaged, married, or dealing with something complicated? Ask your potential date for her label. This is honestly the only way to set the right expectations for each other. 

Each status deserves respect. Saying you’re single, for instance, means you’re taking time for yourself or searching for the right person. Isn’t it empowering to be clear about what you want? 

But what about those times when things get messy? Not everyone fits neatly into a category. The “It’s complicated” or casual dating can blur the lines between friendship and romance. Whatever your relationship status, be clear about it when someone is flirting with you.

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