Author: Robert Smith

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October 16, 2024
According to Forbes, first impressions are made within just 7 seconds of meeting someone. So if you think ...
October 9, 2024
The popularity of situationships made people ask more than just “Are you single?” when meeting a new potential ...
October 2, 2024
The lone wolves of social dynamics, the ladies thriving on their own terms — those are Sigma females ...
September 25, 2024
When it comes to popping the big question, everyone dreams of creating a special moment. A marriage proposal ...
September 4, 2024
When looking for date ideas, rainy weather can be a real bummer. No picnics at the park, strolling ...
August 25, 2024
Those good old days when you sent a letter to your significant other and were waiting for the ...
August 22, 2024
Sarah and Alex lived entirely different lives miles apart. Sarah, a 31-year-old art teacher from Vienna, Austria, was ...
August 20, 2024
Did you know that small gestures like showing your feelings and telling the “reasons I love you” may ...
August 18, 2024
Would you like to spark your flirty online chats? You know, sometimes both men and women are too ...
August 9, 2024
When people go down the aisle, they can hardly imagine that they will have an unhappy marriage. But, ...