When it comes to popping the big question, everyone dreams of creating a special moment. A marriage proposal is more than just asking someone to marry you. You are making memories you are going to tell your children and grandchildren. All in all, expectations are high. So what do you do to impress your one and only romantically?
You could go for a grand gesture or opt for something more intimate and personal. Either way, the key is to make it with love. Check out the most creative and unique proposal ideas that will help you express your feelings.
Key Takeaways
You want to propose but have no idea where to start? Here’s the most important information to understand what you should keep in mind when planning the significant day.
- Think about the theme. Your proposal should reflect some of your shared experiences, inside jokes, or favorite activities. For instance, if you both love bike riding, you could propose during a sunset when you’re on a little bike trip around the town.
- Pick the right location. Choose a place that means something to both of you. It could be, for example, a cafe where you first met or your favorite vacation spot.
- Consider timing. If she is having a bad day, don’t propose just because you planned so, hoping this will boost her mood. Pick a moment when both of you are relaxed and happy.
- Go for creativity. Girls love it when men approach making a proposal with a creative mind. For example, making her go through a scavenger hunt, organizing a surprise event, or creating a cute video will make her even more excited about your desire to commit to the relationship for life.
- Capture the moment. There is nothing like the emotions of a girl who has just received a marriage proposal from the love of her life. Her reaction is worth being photographed. You can set up a camera yourself or even hire a professional.

General Tips on How to Propose
When it comes to making a proposal, you don’t know who to ask. Most people do not do things like that more than one or two times during their life. So finding out what works and what doesn’t might be a puzzle. But no worries; we’ve got your back. Before discovering the best wedding proposal ideas, learn the most helpful tips on proposing to a girl.
- Planning is everything. You should let your second half know that you really thought it through. From choosing the right location and time to thinking about the logistics, make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Of course, spontaneity can be great. But the best proposals were planned for months.
- Take the choice of the ring seriously. Make sure you pick a ring that suits your partner’s style. If you are not confident, ask her girlfriends or sisters to help you out. Don’t buy a cheap ring even if you think she won’t care because she will, we promise you that.
- Play it in your mind. It may sound a little too much, but we strongly recommend you rehearse your proposal a few times. This will make you feel confident when the moment arrives. You don’t actually have to do it; it’s enough to visualize how everything will unfold.
16 Proposal Ideas to Make the Moment Special
So, you’ve made a decision to propose to your girlfriend. Now, you also know how to do it right and what to avoid. But… what theme are you going to choose for saying the special words? Where and how are you going to ask her to marry you? Learn the most incredible ideas here.
1. Beach bonfire proposal
Let’s start with beach proposal ideas. Summer. A beautiful, warm evening by the ocean. You and your second half are sitting on the beach, talking about life. Both of you can feel the heat from the crackling bonfire and hear the waves gently crashing against the rocks. Isn’t that the perfect setup for a proposal? If you think it is, start looking for a hidden spot on the beach where you won’t be disturbed. To create the right vibe, bring along a portable speaker and create a playlist of songs that are meaningful to your relationship. Use fairy lights, lanterns, or candles (protected in glass holders so they don’t blow out) to make it truly unforgettable.
2. Propose on top of a mountain
If you and your partner share a love for the outdoors, this is one of the best marriage proposal ideas for you. What do you think of asking her to marry you during a hike? Imagine the two of you surrounded by nature enjoying views when you pop the question. She is going to be amazed.
Pick a trail that has a reputation for beautiful scenery. Plan your hike so that you reach the scenic viewpoint at the right time. It could be during sunset or sunrise. Don’t forget to check the weather forecast to ensure you’ll have the best conditions for your proposal. Once you propose and she says “yes,” you could have a picnic at the top.

3. Photo booth surprise
As the camera counts down for the photos, wait until just the right moment — usually in the middle of the session or towards the end. Pull out the ring and ask the big question. The camera will capture the surprised and emotional reaction in real time. You are going to have some priceless memories of that moment. By the way, we recommend checking out the booth in advance. You need to make sure you have enough space to pull out the ring and propose inside.
4. Breakfast in bed
Most proposal ideas at home are not really… out-of-the-box. But sometimes simplicity is the perfect choice. Prepare a breakfast that your girlfriend loves. It could be pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, or just a coffee with cookies. Put the food on a tray, add fresh flowers, and a cute handwritten note (e.g. “For my beautiful princess”). Create a cozy, romantic atmosphere. You could turn on some jazz and maybe light up a few candles.
Wait for the perfect moment to propose. For instance, it could be after she has taken their first few bites. Or you could propose while the two of you are sipping coffee together, enjoying a peaceful morning. Pull out the ring when the time feels right and ask the big question directly.
5. During stargazing
There are plenty of cool outdoor proposal ideas, and this is just one of them. Ask the question when you are camping in the wilderness or just relaxing on a blanket in your backyard. In any case, check the weather forecast to make sure everything goes smoothly. Bring along blankets, pillows, and anything else that will make your stargazing setup comfortable. Playing some soft music in the background is also a good idea.
Do not rush. Lay down, point out constellations, and talk about your dreams for the future. When she is looking at the sky, pull out the ring and wait for her to shift her gaze to you. Once she does and you can see in her eyes that she has realized what’s about to happen, ask the question.
6. Recreate your first date
This one gets the first place in the rate of the most romantic girlfriend proposal ideas. Revisit the beginning of your love story. Remind your significant other how much those early days meant and how far you’ve come together. Whether you had your first date in a cozy café, a lively bar, a local park, or even just a casual walk through the city, go to the same spot if possible. Consider the little details, like what you ordered, where you sat, and even the music that was playing. Your main goal is to evoke nostalgia.
You could also wear something similar to what you wore on your first date. Another great idea is to bring up stories from that night during your conversation. Before proposing, take a moment to talk about how far you’ve come since that first date. Find the right moment to show her the ring and ask whether she wants to marry you.

7. Welcome in the New Year
Proposing during Valentine’s Day is rather predictable. For instance, 2% of a study survey respondents said they were proposed that way. That’s around 20 people out of 1000. Quite a lot.
But what about New Year’s Eve? Asking the big question during the fireworks is a marvelous way to propose. You can also do it when celebrating cozy at home. It is best to pop the question during the countdown. As everyone celebrates the new year, you’ll make an unforgettable memory. If you want to be extra creative, slip the ring into a glass of champagne, write your proposal as a New Year’s resolution, or present the ring during the first kiss of the new year.
Some also do it at a New Year’s party. In this case, your proposal is going to become a shared celebration with friends and family. After your girlfriend becomes your fiancée, you’ll be surrounded by loved ones cheering you on and celebrating both the new year and your engagement.
8. Propose on her birthday
Have you thought about proposing on her birthday? It’s like killing two birds with one stone. Her special day and the proposal all rolled into one. Imagine how surprised and happy she’d be. Start by making the day all about her. Create the right atmosphere with sweet birthday things like a nice breakfast, cute paper notes around the house, and maybe a little gift for the starters. You’ll set the mood and build up to the big moment.
You could pop the question right after she blows out the candles. Or perhaps you would prefer doing it during a quiet moment at the end of a birthday dinner when she’s feeling all loved up? Either way, it is going to be a fantastic day for both of you to remember.
9. Pub quiz proposal
You might think that pubs are not among the best places to propose. But why not? If you both are always up for a little intellectual challenge in a local pub, why not use it as an opportunity to propose creatively? Get in touch with the quiz host ahead of time. Let them know you’re planning to propose, and see if they’re okay with sneaking your proposal into one of the questions.
When taking the quiz, act casually. Behave normally, relax, have fun, and answer the questions. In general, pretend it’s an ordinary night out. Then the special question should appear on the screen. It should be something like, “Who in this room is about to propose?” Maybe your girlfriend will get the idea immediately, or maybe she will be just puzzled about the weird quiz. This is your moment. At this point, you should take out the ring, get down on one knee, and ask her to marry you. Be ready that the whole pub will probably go wild cheering you on.
10. Lovely proposal at the airport
How about proposing at the airport when she returns from a trip? It’s one of the most romantic proposal ideas. Just like in one of those movie moments! Your girlfriend will not notice what’s about to happen. You get the perfect chance to catch her when she’s excited to see you again.
Let us walk you through the whole process. First, find out the details of her flight. You need to know exactly when she is arriving. Go to the airport early, find a good seat in the arrivals hall, and maybe even get a sign. Something simple like “Welcome home!” with a little “Will you marry me?” underneath.
When she walks through the door and sees you, she will already be, of course, happy to see you. Then, when you drop to your knees right there in the arrivals area, she’ll be completely blown away — in the best possible way.
Everyone around will realize what’s happening and will probably start clapping, making the whole experience even more awesome. As an idea, you can also bring some relatives or friends to be there when she says yes. That way you can celebrate together right afterward.
11. When playing a board game
Let’s take a break from fancy ways to ask her to marry you and go for casual but unique proposal ideas. Do it while playing a board game. Your girlfriend definitely doesn’t expect that. Imagine the two of you having a chill game night, and then bam — you’re down on one knee with a ring. If your one and only is into games, this could be a perfect way to pop the question.
What should you play? Scrabble is a classic for this kind of thing. Suggest a game in the most casual way possible and wait for the right moment. Then, without showing your excitement (at least try), spell out “Will you marry me?” on the board. It is likely to take her a second to process it. When she does, you should already be ready with the ring.
Other game options include Bananagrams. You could also go for something like Mysterium. Once you win the game together, celebrate the victory by pulling out the ring.

12. Go ring shopping
Looking for interesting surprise proposal ideas? This one is a lifesaver for those who have no clue which ring to pick or don’t know the right size. Invite your girlfriend out for a walk. Start by having a casual day out. Make a stroll through town, grab some coffee, or just enjoy time together. When passing by a jeweler’s, drop to one knee and ask if she wants to marry you. The special thing about this proposal is that you do not have a ring with you. Actually, you don’t have it at all. Instead of having the ring already, you invite your freshly made fiancée to step inside the jewelry store and pick out her dream ring together. It’s a super romantic and extremely thoughtful way to propose.
13. Pop a balloon
Hand your girlfriend a balloon with something inside. Try to behave as casually as possible so she expects it to be some cute paper note or concert tickets. Imagine her face when she pops a balloon and finds a piece of paper with the “Will you marry me?” written on it. You can even put a ring inside — not in a regular box though, but rather also in a paper package. You can also pull out the ring the moment your significant other reads the proposal note.
The best part here is obviously the surprise factor. Your girlfriend will have no idea what’s coming, which makes the moment even more memorable. What a story to tell your future kids!
14. While cooking dinner
If you want to make your proposal a big surprise, you need to do it in the most casual moment. Pick something when your partner is busy with her daily routine, expecting absolutely nothing. How about the time when the two of you are cooking dinner?
Get creative with how you pop the question. You could spell out, “Will you marry me?” with tomato sauce on the pizza, write it with wasabi on a sushi platter, or even drizzle it with chocolate sauce if you’re making dessert. The surprise will come when they’re not expecting it, right in the middle of your cozy dinner prep.
This is going to be really amazing. You’re both in your element, doing something you enjoy together, and the proposal becomes part of that experience. It’s relaxed, it’s fun, and it feels totally natural — just like your relationship.

15. Run a marathon
Are you both into sports? Then this one is among the best proposal ideas for you. Plan to run the marathon together or be there to cheer your girlfriend up at the finish line. If you’re both running, you can stick together through the race and make the proposal part of that final push. But if she is running solo, position yourself right where she is going to finish, so she will see you when crossing the line.
After she is done with the run — exhausted and out of breath but on that post-run high — you should wait for the perfect moment. Whether you drop to one knee immediately or wait until she catches her breath, the surprise will be unforgettable. The whole atmosphere, with the crowd and the excitement, will just add to the moment.
16. Boat marriage proposal
This is one of the best classic proposal ideas for her . Start by planning a day in the water. This could be a simple rowboat in a lake, a sailboat, or something more fancy like a large, expensive-looking yacht. Find a place that feels special and personal. It should be just for the two of you.
When boating, wait for the perfect moment. Maybe when the sun goes down or when you’ve found a calm, beautiful spot on the water. Then get down on your knees and pop the question by showing your other half the ring. It’s a proposal that’s straight out of a romantic movie. Most girls dream of such things!
If you want to add a little extra magic, bring along a bottle of champagne to raise a toast as soon as she says yes. You can also decorate the boat with flowers to make it even more romantic.

Final Thoughts
Planning a marriage proposal can be such a blast, especially with so many creative ways to make it happen! You could surprise your one and only with the ring at the airport, while cooking dinner together, or even during a pub quiz. These are just a few of the fun will you marry me ideas we’ve just shared. Take another look at the proposal ideas and pick the one that feels just right for the two of you based on what you love doing together.

Robert Smith focuses on interpersonal relationships and online dating. When you read a guide to foreign women, valuable relationship tips, or comparisons of different types of foreign ladies, such articles were likely written and polished by Robert. The author has developed his dating strategies based on his investigations into the international dating niche.