The fact that ladies expect you to be the one who starts flirting remains unchanged. More than 85% of women answered that they want men to make the first move. The question is, what is the perfect first move, and how do you make it right?

We have created a list of the top strategies for you to get a girl like you. You may have tried some of them, but some are going to surprise you. Anyway, check them out!

Effective Tips on How to Get a Girl Interested in You

You have a crush? Can’t stop thinking of a beautiful girl you met recently? We know how you can boost your chances of becoming her boyfriend and having a happily ever after together. Check out these heart-winning strategies and catch the interest of that special lady!

Don’t be available all the time

Let’s assume you’ve met a girl you’re really into. You want to spend every minute of every day with her, talking about everything in the world, walking around parks, drinking coffee together, and touching hands in a cinema. The girl likely wants the same. However, if you spend too much time together at the beginning, that special spark and butterflies in your stomach will disappear very quickly. This can negatively impact the whole relationship. 

⌚ So make sure you maintain your own life instead of texting your date five times a day asking when she is free to go out together. If you’re trying to learn how to get a girl to like you over text, the best approach is to put your phone aside. 

Tease her every now and then

This is a great tip for those searching for advice on how to attract a girl who doesn’t like you. Compliments are great, and ladies love them. But you shouldn’t be all about how wonderful, pretty, and smart she is; this stuff gets boring incredibly fast. Instead, try to balance your compliments with some light-hearted banter. 

😝Remember to tease her playfully and add some jokes to your communication. Even a little sarcasm won’t hurt if all your chats until now have been sweet and lovely. For instance, if she is making a home office, you could say something like, “So, you’re going to drink coffee and relax on the couch today? Oh, sorry, I meant, Are you planning to work?” But, of course, make sure she understands that you are just kidding.

Stay mysterious 

We talked to many women, asking them what they find attractive in the opposite sex and what they don’t. One lady told us that once she went on a date with a guy and learned literally everything about him within 2 hours. It might be tempting to share dramatic stories from your past or talk about your job in detail. However, women don’t want to know how you spend 100% of your time. 

🔮 Googling “how to get a girl to like you back?” Be the guy who just has “some business to do” and not the guy who reports every single step, considering it interesting. Leave some mystery about yourself, as it adds to the intrigue and keeps her wanting to know more.

Subtly touching says more than words

Shortening the physical distance from the person you are attracted to is always a little risky. What if it’s too early? What if she doesn’t like you the way you like her? In any case, you need to show that you are ready to be closer. 

👩‍❤️‍👨 While wrapping your hand around her shoulders after an artistic yawn in a cinema is a little… old-school, “accidentally” touching her arm as she passes you salt or hugging her slightly as you cross the road are good moves. You could also offer her your jacket when it gets cold during your walk and see how she reacts to it lying on her skin. If she likes you back, she is likely to wrap it around herself tightly as it smells of you.

Use the magic of late-night talks

Do you want to know how to get a girl to like you again? Try late-night conversations. There is something extraordinary about talking to another person when it’s dark and most people in your city are already asleep. That’s the time when we tend to be more open and sincere — the time when the greatest secrets are being shared and the greatest stories are being told. 

🌃 Late-night talks have a way of deepening connections effortlessly. If you want to connect with a girl romantically, make her a midnight call, starting it casually with “How was your day?” and slowly moving towards more intimate topics. A face-to-face date is even better! Imagine the two of you walking around a city under the starry sky, discussing some philosophical questions, and laughing at silly things. Magic!

dating advice

Ask her questions. A lot!

The question of how to get a woman to want you is a head-scratcher for many. We often think that to make someone like us, we need to show our best sides. That’s why so many men spend their first date telling the person in front of them about their excellent skiing skills, scariest travel stories, and greatest work achievements. We expect the other person to add those points to some kind of evaluation sheet and conclude at the end that, yes, this guy is the best candidate for the owner of their heart. However, this approach can come off as self-centered and overwhelming. 

💬What most women want is to be listened to. Therefore, our advice is to ask your date a lot of questions, starting with her childhood and ending with how her day was. Show that you are truly interested in everything she tells you; we promise you will build an impressively strong connection. Remember, the key to a successful date is balance — sharing about yourself while genuinely engaging with her stories.

Be the decision-maker

Making decisions, whether it’s about what car to buy or what coffee to order, requires a lot of energy. If you go out with a girl after her working day, you can be sure she has already spent enough time making choices and solving various corporate issues. Give her time to relax. 

💪Decide on what restaurant you’re going to tonight, pick her up without asking if you should, create a plan for the evening, and talk about all these decisions with confidence, not question marks at the end. This approach will make her feel cared for and valued. Ladies appreciate men who can take care of them, even if it’s such small things as choosing a place to go or providing a way to get there. Show her through your actions that you are reliable and considerate, making her feel secure and cherished.

Put on a nice scent

There are a lot of things influencing the first impression a girl gets about you, and smell is one of them. Women are highly attracted to men who use good perfume. It can be sweet, fresh, or bitter; that does not play a significant role. According to a recent study, in the US, women are 35% more likely than men to pick their daily scent based on how they feel, showing a stronger emotional bond with fragrances than men do. This means you might have never thought that your perfume influences how women perceive you so much. But it just does!

👉Invest in a high-quality fragrance that complements your natural scent and leaves a lasting impression. The moment you hug the girl you like, a bit of your perfume might stay on her skin and clothes, reminding her of you even after you say goodbye to each other.

does she like you

Look directly into her eyes

Your communication style might be very similar, whether you are trying to flirt or just doing your best to present yourself as a nice guy to a new colleague. Therefore, sometimes, it’s hard for a girl to tell in which way you like her as a potential life partner or a good friend. Adding subtle, meaningful touches can also help convey your romantic interest without being overt. 

👀Eye contact may reveal your serious intentions. Make sure you meet her gaze every time you are telling her something personal or listening to what she is saying. If you haven’t tried it yet, you will immediately notice a change in your communication as the intimacy between the two of you suddenly seems greater. 

Show that you care about her

If you have been looking for ways how to make a girl like you but haven’t succeeded yet, this tip should definitely help. To be attractive, you need to be proactive. Don’t wait until the girl starts showing you pictures of her favorite flowers; buy a nice bouquet for her now. Don’t expect her to show you the way she likes to be treated; approach her as a princess from the beginning. 

💐Surprise her by bringing a coffee and a piece of cake to her office or organizing a surprise trip next weekend. Listen carefully to whatever she tells you, and make her gifts based on that. If she talks about her love for a specific hobby, consider gifting her something related to it, showing that you pay attention to her interests and care about her happiness. For instance, if she mentions that she likes reading, you could get her a blanket with arms for cozy reading sessions or a Kindle so that she does not have to carry heavy paper books with her all the time.

How to Tell if a Girl Likes You?

So, you have tried some of the tips, or even all of them, and now you want to know whether they worked. What are the signs of a girl being attracted to you? Usually, it’s when she introduces you to her friends and family members, initiates dates from time to time, and always tries to look her best. 

Take the test to find out whether a girl likes you!

Does she like me?

1 / 10

Does she try to look her best when she knows she’ll see you?

2 / 10

Does she remember small details or things you’ve told her?

3 / 10

How does she respond when you suggest spending time together?

4 / 10

Does she find excuses to touch you, like a pat on the back or a playful shove?

5 / 10

When you talk, does she maintain eye contact?

6 / 10

How often does she initiate chats with you?

7 / 10

Do I actively listen to my partner and know all her needs?

8 / 10

How often do I put my girlfriend down deliberately?

9 / 10

Do I try to make my significant other feel bad about things over which she has no control?

10 / 10

Do I tell my girlfriend that she affects my mood negatively, even if it’s not true?

Final Thoughts on How to Win a Girl’s Heart

Now you know a couple more secrets to making a girl fall in love with you. The great thing about the tips we have mentioned here is that they are not manipulation techniques. Our experts believe that if you want to build a romantic relationship, you need to be sincere and approach it strategically. 

she likes you

Take good care of the girl you like, buy her sweets and candies, show your affection with subtle touches, make yourself less available and more mysterious, and listen to whatever she has to tell you. If you were wondering how to get a girl to like you, these pieces of advice should definitely give you a good start. We wish you mutual love!

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