People meet, fall in love, get married, or break up. It looks like a common scenario, doesn’t it? But at a time when we are all used to exploring romantic flings from different angles, this scenario may have an unexpected turn. It is called rebound relationships. Have you ever heard about such a type of commitment? May be you are having it right now? Let’s look at the issue in more detail, explore its definition, signs, reasons, and more.
Rebound Relationship Meaning and Signs
Relationships that start just after the end of a previous romantic commitment are called rebound. Rebounds are quite common today, especially when it comes to men. Often, guys can’t cope with their addiction to ex-girlfriend and jump into a new fling. Anyway, both men and women get into rebound relationships unconsciously. They do not understand whether they want their previous commitment to work out. In other words, they experience a mixture of different emotions. What is the reason for that? Let’s see. But first, explore rebound relationship signs to make sure that you deal exactly with such a type of commitment.
Signs of rebond relationships
How do you know you’re a rebound? Here are the main signs that can tell you are having rebond relationships:
- Recent breakup. If the person has been in a serious relationship recently, and now we can see the attempts to build new commitments, then it may be a sure sign of rebonding relationships. Let’s face the truth: it is impossible to start a healthy romantic fling just after ending a previous one. It looks like an escape from reality.
- Comparing your partners. You are still addicted to your ex-partner if you are always comparing her with a new woman. You can say that your ex looked better, cooked better, supported you more, etc. Of course, in most cases, you may do it unconsciously. Anyway, that third person is always present in your life.
- Quick pace. You can’t stay alone and hurry to find a new partner. Everybody around can see how you speed up dating. You may sincerely believe that this is the only way to forget about your ex and stop thinking about your previous relationship again and again.

Reasons for Rebound Dating
Being in a new relationship can be exciting, but not when it comes to rebound dating. Usually, a person doesn’t understand the situation and its circumstances. But why do people engage in rebound relationships? Well, the reasons are evident.
First of all, people try to cope with a breakup. Usually, it is connected with emotional connection. A person was used to spending time with a particular woman, he shared some obligations, spent time together, and now everything is over. Not every man can distract from it. That’s why guys often move further by creating new bonds. Their only goal is to forget about their ex-girlfriend, and don’t feel lonely. In other words, guys start dating again just after a breakup to satisfy their physical, emotional, and social needs at the expense of a new girlfriend.
Another reason why men start rebound relationships is that they want to replace one woman with another one. They sincerely believe there is a chance to build emotional closeness with a new partner. Such a healing process is a delusion, of course. However, men want to open their hearts, to be honest, and find support from a new crush. They try to take care of their own well-being and cope with negative emotions after ending previous relationships.
All these reasons make men of all ages seek new acquaintances and build connections when actually they are not ready for that. Do rebound relationships work? Such a connection definitely has an impact on both partners.
Rebound Relationship Stages
Rebound relationships have a few stages that you should be aware of. This way, you will better understand where you are right now and what you need to do next. So, here they are:
Pre-rebound relationships
This stage begins just when the person stays alone. He has freedom and usually doesn’t know what to do with this freedom. Men start seeing new ladies and often end up getting into rebound relationships. Stress, loneliness, fear, and other negative emotions drive guys crazy. It’s easier to find a new partner and forget about all unpleasant feelings. This is how soon you can wake up in the morning and understand that you are not single again. Mind that such a step may harm you. Instead of coping with all emotions and trying to live your own life, you start to replace one woman with another woman, even not realizing what is going on with you.
Honeymoon time
This stage may last up to 6 months and is associated with kissing, hugging, and other attributes of people in love. You can even feel those well-known butterflies in your stomach. Honeymoon time lets you enjoy each other, talk to the sunrise, spend amazing days and nights. Sometimes, you can even feel obsessed with your crush. When two people are fully filled with each other, this passionate period may end up with numerous disagreements, and scandals. You stop taking your partner as a soulmate. Thus, you two are coming down to the next stage – a conflict one.
The conflict stage
After all those sweet hugs and kisses, a person bumps into reality. He starts to see all the partner’s imperfections and flaws. Spending time on thinking whether the person is ready to live with all those drawbacks becomes something ordinary. Eventually, the couple faces conflicts one by one. Even if lovers are able to resolve it, the next one occurs. You should be ready for such a scenario happening again and again.
The comparison stage
This stage naturally flaws from a previous one. When one partner or both aren’t satisfied with each other, quarrel, and notice only bad things, then soon they come to the comparison stage. At this particular period, lovers go back to their past and start to compare their partner to the ex. Among common phrases of this stage are:
- Oh my god, she is interested only in money, just like my ex.
- My ex was more attentive to my needs. Maybe these relationships are a mistake.
- She’d better lose some pounds. My ex was always in good shape.
Of course, such comparisons aren’t pleasant at all. Still, the situation may get even worse when everything you start to think about is your previous relationship and your ex-partner. This is one of warning signs a rebound relationship. You disagree with each other all the time, and soon everything you can talk about is a breakup.

How Long do Rebound Relationships Last?
Phychologists admit that rebound relationships last up to a year on average. Of course, the duration varies from a couple to a couple. Anyway, people start to realize their incompatibility in a few months already. At that time, they can see the person by their side better and analyze behavior, traits, etc. As a result, relationships are getting worse. Not every couple is able to go through this period.
Also, another scenario is possible for rebound relationships. People may accept each other as they are. They start to get to know the partner better and build meaningful connections based on mutual respect and deep feelings. Those couples who passed such a period can build healthy relationships and be happy together. Partners support each other, grow, and leave that time behind. They realize rebound meaning in relationships and are ready to move further together despite possible complications.
Are Rebound Relationships Bad?
It’s impossible to say whether rebound relationships are bad or good. For example, such a type of commitment can be okay if both partners are on the same page. They realize what they want and need. They are also aware of possible circumstances. In this case, a new romance may heal you and give a nice base for building healthy relationships full of care and love.
Still, if everyone has different expectations from this connection, then you may face quite an unpleasant situation. For example, you think about your ex-partner and try to forget her, while your new partner is sure about your feelings and even plans a wedding day already.
All in all, you should remember that feeling rejected, confused, and unseen is quite common for rebound relationships. The situation when one person is ready for creating a new world together while another can’t stop thinking about previous commitment says that you are experiencing just such a romantic fling.

Tips for Those Who are in Rebound Relationships
Now if you realize that you are in rebound relationships, you can decide whether such a situation is okay for you. Here are a few questions that may help you understand everything better:
- Am I still dealing with my past romance?
- Can I feel comfortable when being alone?
- Do I need someone to go through a breakup?
In case you find it difficult to answer the following questions, or you can’t cope with all those emotions inside, you’d better consult a specialist. Postponing or refusing to see things as they are may only harm you.

Final Thoughts
They say every end is a new start, but not when it comes to romantic affairs. A breakup can be very difficult and make you feel really horrible. That’s why people jump into new relationships without realizing what is going on with them right at the moment. Everything they need is to forget about the pain, feel support, and care again. But you should understand that building healthy relationships from that point would be a real challenge.
Typically, rebound connection is short-term. Of course, you can make things work out if you focus on your new partner and start thinking about previous romantic experiences. Otherwise, it would be just another attempt to escape reality.

Robert Smith focuses on interpersonal relationships and online dating. When you read a guide to foreign women, valuable relationship tips, or comparisons of different types of foreign ladies, such articles were likely written and polished by Robert. The author has developed his dating strategies based on his investigations into the international dating niche and his own experience.