Girls are very secretive when it comes to communicating with their ex-boyfriends, so today we will consider very subtle points that will help you understand whether she is communicating with her ex or not. Sometimes, there is a situation where a girl communicates and dates with you and communicates with her ex at the same time. In this case, you begin to notice that something goes wrong. This can be caused by the fact that the girl wants more space while she is with you, and behaves in a strange way. Although, she is open and quite happy with friends.
12 Signs Your Girl Talks with Her Ex Boyfriend
If your girlfriend recently broke up with a guy and began dating you, it is possible that she can think of him. Still, there is a fine line between a girl who remembers the ex and a girl who misses him. You do not need to ask her, whether she thinks about him or misses him, even if that happens, and you still ask, she will simply deny the fact that she thinks about him. All you need is to talk to her and say that something has been going wrong recently, she behaves in a strange way and there’s a distance between you. Simply put, there is indifference. If your girl cannot decide with whom she should be: with you or with her ex, then she will walk in a circle. The situation may not be resolved in your favor. That’s why it is important to be one step ahead and learn helpful signs.
1. She respects the distance between you and at the same time she is closed. You walk with her together but constantly feel some coldness. Your girlfriend seems to be keeping away from you at a distance, although you are trying to get closer to her. To the questions: “Is everything alright?” She answers dryly and convinces you that everything is good, but you see a completely different picture. And at some point, in your conversation or fellowship, she embarrassedly talks about her ex boyfriend.
2. She is excited. She becomes excited and nervous at a time when their paths with her ex intersect. She cannot stop talking about him, although you have been together for several months. If she tells you that she recently happened to meet her ex and her voice is heightened or it sounds more alive than usual, this is another indication that she is thinking about him.
3. Her memories of a past relationship. She talks about him and her memories seem to be alive here and now. She remembers him so far and responds gently to him, as if he’s her best friend. “This guy, dammit, he made me laugh.” She seems to exalt that man, but at the same time forgets that you are with her, not he. You can get annoyed by these stories, but nevertheless, she hints to you that she still misses him, although she says it briskly.
4. She compares you all the time. If your girlfriend often compares you with the ex-one, it is another sign that she chooses him. On the one hand, when you have a relationship started recently, she can appreciate you and mentally compare with the ex, and most ladies do the same. But when she starts constantly comparing you out loud, especially when you swear or when she is angry at you, then this is not a good sign.
5. She is in contact with him. If they have met recently and become just friends, but still walk and communicate in a cute way, then this may be one of the first signs of anxiety. Everything would be fine, but if their communication is delayed and you understand that it is starting to gain daily turnover, whether it is social media communication, whether it is frequent meetings, then there is a chance that you can lose her.
6. She still remembers the days spent with him. When the objects remind her, first of all, of him, and they walked together in this courtyard, and here they first kissed – all this indicates that he is still alive in her thoughts. Why is she thinking so much about him? Perhaps you guess.
7. She is jealous. If her ex-boyfriend has a girlfriend and her reaction is calm, then everything is good, but if she is irritated or falls into anger, she is still unevenly breathing.
8. You are a temporary guy. Yes, life is harsh, but sometimes girls use other guys to cause jealousy in their boyfriends. It’s like a game, but in this game you suffer more often.
9. She likes to talk about her ex. She cannot talk to you about the former guy all the time, but when she meets her old friends, she is curious to find out how her ex boyfriend is doing.
10. She wants to be his friend. They broke up and she now is dating you, but then it turns out that she would like to become his friend.
11. She “loves you” and thinks about him. She tells you that she loves, but in fact, recalls what she thinks about her ex. It has been going on for a while, but if you really suffer all this, then maybe you love it, but unfortunately, you act as a handkerchief in which it blows its snot.
12. She allows him to establish contact with her. He tries to make contact and surprisingly, she does not resist him. Instead, she makes a cute look, and melts like a piece of ice in warm hands, she still dries after him.
Final Word
If you understand that your relationship has just begun, and she has already burned your brain with stories about her ex, then do not plan any colossal future with her. Of course, you can discuss the situation with your lady, if you are interested in saving this connection. But, be ready for different outcomes.

Maria is a writer who specializes in couples counseling and encourages people to become more intimate with one another. If you come across informative articles with personal viewpoints or research-based pieces that highlight the stages of creating healthy relationships, these pieces are probably written by Maria. The author emphasizes the importance of self-growth before seeking a romantic partner.