The latest long distance relationships statistics say that 60% of such romances have a pretty high success rate. But why are long distance relationships hard? After all, if you love each other, nothing can stand in your way, right?
We are going to discuss all the ins and outs of this particular kind of dating here. Wondering what kills long-distance relationships? Learn about the tricky part of building a connection with a person living far away and get expert tips on how to overcome all the obstacles.
LDR Meaning
The abbreviation LDR stands for Long Distance Relationship and is, unfortunately, used by lots of people worldwide. These three words became even more popular with the development of online dating. When two lonely souls meet each other online, they may arrange face-to-face dates once in a while, but they keep living in their home countries. Such a dating style can add a lot of complications to a relationship.
But are long distance relationships worth it? Absolutely! The good news is that there are quite efficient ways to keep your romantic connection and that special spark alive, even if you live far away from each other.
What is the Biggest Problem in Long-distance Relationships?
Having a long-distance romance is not easy; it’s a fact. But the main reason why long distance relationships don’t work is that the people building them do not know what to expect. So check out this list of the most common issues in such situations to be ready to face any challenges.
Lack of physical touch
It’s not just about closeness in bed. Sometimes, when you have a tough day, you just want to hug the person you love really tight and forget about everything. Unfortunately, you can’t do it if your second half lives miles away. You might feel this problem of a long-distance relationship more and more over time. Even if you do meet your girlfriend once a month or so, you will still lack physical touch quite often, especially if this is your love language.
✔️The best solution to this problem is to meet each other in person as often as possible. If you don’t have time to visit your sweetheart, you could support her financially by buying a plane or train ticket to your city.
Try to have video calls rather than just text each other all the time, as seeing the person you love gives you a stronger feeling of closeness. It is also a good idea to send your girlfriend gifts, such as a box of chocolates that you bought yourself in the store, or a book that you think she will like. Don’t forget to sign the card, because realizing that your partner actually held the gift in his arms carries a lot of intimacy.
Future uncertainty
If you have a plan to live in the same city together in the future, it’s okay. But what if there is no plan? You will probably keep thinking a lot about what is going to happen to your relationship in the next few years. Such ambiguity can cause anxiety and stress and questions about when and how to close the distance can create tension. That’s why long distance relationships fail in some cases.
✔️You should not hesitate to discuss this issue with your partner. The worst thing in this case is living with the illusion of your future together. Approach the matter realistically, trying to decide where you could possibly move in together and when.
Emotional disconnect
Of course, you can always be there for your girlfriend, even if you live in different cities or countries. But it is likely that she will have closer emotional connections with people she meets every day face-to-face. Unfortunately, there is nothing like discussing your problems with a friend over a bottle of wine sitting on the floor of her apartment at 1 am.
✔️Don’t get upset if she tells you she spent three hours talking to her bestie about her problems in the office. Instead, think about how great it is that your girlfriend has someone to support her, even though you cannot always do it. Soon, you will be living together and she will rush to come home to share her latest news and challenges with you.
It can be hard to maintain a high level of excitement in a long-distance relationship. After all, you are not having face-to-face dates where you are checking out new restaurants, organizing picnics, or celebrating your friend’s birthday. Therefore, at some point, you might feel like being in this relationship is boring because every online date feels the same.
✔️Fortunately, there are a lot of creative ideas for dating on the internet. For instance, you could cook a dinner together. Simply buy the same ingredients and prepare the meal via a video call. Another creative approach is to have an art night where you are painting each other while talking about interesting things and drinking some wine. Showing each other the results of your artistic efforts will be great too.
Time management
Finding time to connect despite busy schedules and other commitments can be challenging. On top of that, you have limited opportunities to spend quality time together in person. The thing is, if you communicate online only, that may give you the feeling that other things in your life have higher priorities than chatting with your girlfriend. Plus, she may have the same attitude.
✔️What did you think about when you found out what percent of long distance relationships work? We hope you were optimistic and decided that your romance was going to be one of those 60%. To make your long-distance relationship thrive, make sure to schedule your calls at least sometimes. Of course, you don’t have to ask your partner whether texting or having a virtual date at 9 pm is okay every day. Nevertheless, it is better if you arrange such things occasionally to show that you love and respect each other’s time and feelings.

“Do you even have a girlfriend?”
Let’s imagine it’s 8 pm on Friday, and you’re chilling in a bar with your friends. One of them is talking about the mad idea of his girlfriend going on a trip to Antarctica. You decide to join the conversation and tell about how your sweetheart suggested your next vacation be in Serbia. Your friends are looking at you and saying, “C’mon, you’ve met in person just once. You can’t call her your girlfriend.” Having a long-distance relationship means hearing such things quite often.
✔️How long do long distance relationships last? As long as you keep working on them. The key in this situation, for instance, is to stick to the fact that your partner is real and so are your feelings. At some point, you will have it all figured out.
Summing Up: Why is Long-Distance so Hard?
With the tips listed above, your relationship definitely has more chances to be successful and long-lasting. Now you know what kills long-distance relationships and how to make them survive. The most important suggestions are to discuss the future with your partner, be supportive, schedule dates, and try to meet each other in person as often as possible.
You need to build a relationship with a person who shares your goals and dreams. All in all, if you find a partner you truly love, there is no distance that can break your romantic bond.

Maria is a writer who specializes in couples counseling and encourages people to become more intimate with one another. If you come across informative articles with personal viewpoints or research-based pieces that highlight the stages of creating healthy relationships, these pieces are probably written by Maria. The author emphasizes the importance of self-growth before seeking a romantic partner.