Did you manage to find a wife who could officially become yours forever? Sometimes even those men who are in healthy and happy relationships are not entirely sure that they would like to propose to their women. And that’s normal. Many people face this feeling – they are frightened by the unknown, and they are worried that the new status may somehow affect their connection with their partner.
Let’s start with the most intriguing question: “When is it time to propose to a woman?” It is known that this moment comes about a year after the start of a serious romance with one of the potential Eastern European wives. By this time, the girl is waiting for your proposal. If more than two years have passed since the beginning of the relationship, your silence becomes a source of stress for your loved one. If you are confident in your choice, why wait longer?
Looking for a wife to marry is not an easy task. How do you understand that your relationship with a girl has reached its peak and you are ready to move to the next level? It’s not complicated if you keep reading this article. Here I, a dating expert, will share with you some great tips on how to understand that you are ready to propose to your lady.

⏳ How Long Should You Wait Before Proposing?
There are no specific deadlines that you must wait before asking a girl to become your wife. Is getting engaged at 6 months too soon? This happens differently for each couple, depending on their feelings, plans, goals, and desires. Before moving to a new level of relationship, the main thing is to be sure of your intentions, and mutual love and listen to your intuition.
Is 1 year too early to propose? On average, the dating time before a marriage proposal is from six months to a year. This is the ideal period when partners are already determining whether they are suitable for each other. Just then, the man and woman begin to imagine themselves in the role of husband or wife. But if you are sure that your couple is ready to move on to a more serious stage of the relationship even earlier, you can propose to your beloved. Do not limit yourself, no one but you know better the time when you are ready to declare your union with a beloved lady.
💍 Signs You are Ready to Make a Proposal
Have you found that one among wives online? Offering a girl to become your wife once and for all life is quite a responsible decision on the part of a man. Therefore, you need to carefully weigh all aspects of your relationship with your partner. Here are the main signs that your union is ready to move on to a serious stage of the relationship.

🧩 Your goals coincide
Think carefully about your plans and discuss it with your partner. It’s hard to be on the same page when you’re moving in different directions. You don’t need to have the same goals, but it is important to support each other. If you are open and honest from the beginning, you will avoid disappointment in the future. Is 15 months too soon to propose? This period is just normal to reach a new level of relationship if you have the same goals.
🧘🏻♂️ You feel comfortable next to your partner
A sense of calm and harmony in a relationship is of great importance. Without this, you may begin to experience anxiety and doubt, which will negatively affect the union. Think about how comfortable you are with your other half. Can you be yourself, or do you have to constantly try to appear better than you are?
🎲 You’ve been through a lot together
All couples face difficulties from time to time, it is inevitable. But it is important to learn to overcome obstacles together, take care of each other, and protect each other. Before legitimizing a relationship, you need to see how your partner behaves in conflict situations. Pay attention to her reactions and actions. Remember that solving problems together strengthens the alliance and brings you closer together.
♾ You want to be together forever
Think carefully about whether this is the case. Do you want to spend your whole life with one person, take care of her no matter the circumstances, and be faithful to that girl? Perhaps you just want to get married for some principles, or are you doing this because others expect it from you?
🫂 You became friends
You are not just a couple, you are friends who can share problems and experiences, tell each other about joys and grievances, be sad together or, conversely, have a lot of fun. And is your partner the first person to whom you tell any important news, right? Then you are ready to propose to her.
🏡 You are satisfied with living together with a girl
Are mail order spouses real? Of course, to check your compatibility with the girl, invite her to live together. The ability not only to spend time together, but also to share one living space, solve everyday issues, and distribute responsibilities takes a couple to a new level of relationship.
🤞🏻 You trust each other
Trust is the foundation of a strong relationship, especially with lonely wives online. It especially concerns aspects of betrayal in relationships. The lack of jealousy towards your loved one does not mean that you no longer love the girl or that her life does not interest you. This means that she was able to gain your trust during the time that you were together.

🙅🏻♂️ When is Too Soon to Propose?
Many men are also interested in the question: ”How soon is too early to propose?” Some signs indicate that it is too early to propose to a girl. It is important to consider them when wondering about the conclusion of your love.
- You have ceased to be yourself. If you have lost yourself in a relationship, this is not the person destined for you. You stopped being who you were and let go of everything that motivated you. Perhaps it’s time to distance yourself and bring back the best version of yourself.
- Conflicts are part of everyday routine. They can be opportunities to strengthen relationships and grow together. However, when partners get into a negative dynamic where everyone goes their way and there is no communication, it can create a situation that is very difficult to get out of.
- You are constantly trying to assert yourself. You may find that things are no longer the same as they used to be and blame yourself when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Relationships feel like a competition, pitting you alone against a series of challenges, often set by your partner. This leads to stressful situations and a feeling of loneliness that never goes away.
- You feel emotionally distant. It may happen that even though you have been in a relationship with a girl for a long time, you feel lonely. She doesn’t listen to you, doesn’t tell you what is happening in her life, and you notice that she’s distant also. If she does not show affection to you, there is no future in this union.
📍 Summing – up
Mutual love, harmony, and a sense of comfort are what should be present in your relationship. As you understand, there is no specific time when you need to propose to your partner. It all depends on how ready you and your lady are to reach a new level of love. If it is destined for you, even 5 years of waiting will not be a hindrance!

Victoria Davis is highly sought-after dating coach with a passion for helping individuals find love and build meaningful connections. She graduated from university and soon understood that teaching is not what she wants to devote her life to. Once Victoria realized a strong passion for coaching, she started to help clients develop self-confidence, improve their communication skills, and navigate the complexities of modern dating.