The beginning of most relationships is like paradise. You both are madly in love with each other. You want to spend every second together, discover new amazing things about your partner every time you meet, and can’t imagine how you haven’t met each other earlier.
But unfortunately, this phase ends sooner or later. The interesting thing is that no matter how many times you fall in and out of love, it’s incredibly hard to believe that your feelings for this other person can ever get weaker when you are in the first stages of a relationship. We’re not saying that in a few months or years, your life together is going to be full of problems. But there are definitely going to be challenges, responsibilities, and disagreements you’ll have to get through together.
That’s when emotional intelligence becomes crucial if you want the relationship to last. We don’t learn it at school but rather through life experiences. One thing is for sure: it can really determine whether your relationship thrives or falls apart.
What is a Healthy Relationship?
We all look for different things in relationships, just like in life in general. That’s why the advice on how to be a happy couple given by friends over a round of drinks, may not work. You may have a lot of relationship improvement questions, and unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. What makes a relationship successful for one person may not work for another. If you’ve ever heard of the five love languages, you know what this means. For instance, some people may value physical touch and words of love more than other things, while others need more space, but spending quality time together is most important to them. These needs may change as we get older.
Moreover, some people have relationships that don’t fit the usual idea of a relationship with one person. They may have multiple partners, and as long as everyone involved is okay with it, these relationships can be just as healthy.
So, the definition of a “healthy” relationship really depends on what works for everyone involved. It is not about following strict rules, but about making everyone feel happy, valued, and understood.

How to Improve Your Relationship?
You may have been together for six months, or maybe three years. Now you feel like it’s time to improve your relationship, or perhaps even save it from falling apart. What can you do to become a happier couple? Whether you’re looking to overcome specific obstacles or simply enhance the overall quality of your connection, knowing how to improve your relationship can lead to greater satisfaction, intimacy, and harmony in your partnership. We have a list of 5 tips for relationship improvement, even if you are currently facing some challenges or just feel the fire of your love is fading.
1. Open communication
Maybe it’s time to just sit down and talk to each other? On a first date, most people are very chatty. It’s not surprising, because there are so many things they don’t know about each other. You keep asking her different questions and listen with genuine interest to what she has to say because everything you hear makes the person even more special in your eyes. But over time, you find fewer and fewer things to talk about. You may have already noticed such couples in restaurants and cafes. They barely exchange a few words. This is because, firstly, they spend a lot of time together, and secondly, they often avoid discussing things that really matter.
If there is something you don’t like about your partner’s behavior, say so. If you still can’t forgive her for the time she went out with her girlfriends instead of keeping you company at your parents’ house, tell her about it. If there are things from your past that keep running through your mind and you want to share them, do so. Open communication about serious topics, rather than just discussing the last movie you saw, is one of the relationship steps to improvement.
2. Don’t stop developing yourself
It often happens that people in relationships dissolve into each other. Before you found your one and only, you had lots of hobbies, went on unplanned trips with nothing but a small backpack, hung out with your friends, and often met new people. But the relationship may have changed these things for you. Now you do most activities together, whether it’s a hobby or deciding where and when to travel. The paradox is that normally both people in a relationship encourage this type of behavior in each other, while such things also make our partner less interesting to us.
It may sound silly, but we want the other person to be a little mysterious and unpredictable, in a healthy way, of course. Let’s say you come home one day with a guitar and announce that you’re going to take guitar lessons. Then you go to these classes, make new friends and come home with stories and inspiration from learning your first notes. This is something completely new and fresh, and things like this make you interesting to your partner. That’s why you should try to develop your own personality without ever standing still and just being part of a couple.

3. Remain curious about your partner
One of the reasons we want a life partner is that we want to be noticed. We want someone who celebrates our victories and cries over our failures. We want someone who says, “Wow, I have no idea how you manage that, but you’re a hero.” You can only say something like that if you know what your partner is going through on an emotional level. The only way to find out and make yet another improvement in relationship is to ask questions. Ask how her day at work was, and if she says her coworker was annoying or she wasn’t happy with her performance, ask why. “Why” is the key question you need to keep asking to get to know your partner better. Curiosity can deepen your connection with your partner and strengthen your relationship over time.
4. Work on conflict resolution
You can’t have a relationship without disagreements. What matters is how you approach the conflict. We offer you to look at an example from real life. Let’s say you always get fairly useless gifts from your partner for Christmas, birthdays, and other holidays you celebrate. You already have a book about fishing even though you’ve never fished in your life nor wanted to, a cocktail set when all you drink is beer, and a fun computer mouse that you have absolutely no use for. One day you decide enough is enough and tell your partner that maybe next time you could make a list of things you’d like and she can pick something out and give it to you. This is a reasonable approach (one of them), and if your partner is also good at conflict resolution, she will accept it or suggest an alternative. However, if you start the conversation by telling her how much money was spent for nothing and how disappointed you were every time you received one of these gifts, you’re steering the conflict in the wrong direction from the start. That will make it harder for your partner to stay calm and respond with sensitivity as well. All in all, politeness, honesty, and respect are crucial to resolving conflict in relationships.
5. Don’t be afraid to apologize
Emotionally intelligent people know when they’ve made a mistake, and they’re not afraid to say sorry. You need to remember that the goal isn’t to win an argument with your partner, but to acknowledge the problem and admit when you’re wrong. It takes guts to say sorry, but that’s how you grow and show your love and maturity.
Imagine you promised your partner that you would take her on a date on a Friday night, but you forgot because you had a lot of stressful work meetings. Instead of explaining how tired you are and what a terrible day you’ve had as an excuse for forgetting the date, try apologizing and admitting that you had to make a note to yourself instead of hoping you’d remember. It helps mend hurt feelings and rebuild trust in the relationship. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, and apologizing is a healthy way to move forward and strengthen your bond with your partner.
Final Thoughts
To strengthen your bond and success in relationship improvement, you should communicate openly, continue growing individually, remain curious about each other, and resolve conflicts respectfully. Apologize when you make mistakes because it’s not about being perfect but about trying your best and growing together. As you navigate the ups and downs of love, remember: it’s not about avoiding problems but facing them together and emerging stronger.

Maria is a writer who specializes in couples counseling and encourages people to become more intimate with one another. If you come across informative articles with personal viewpoints or research-based pieces that highlight the stages of creating healthy relationships, these pieces are probably written by Maria. The author emphasizes the importance of self-growth before seeking a romantic partner.