Once considered socially awkward, being an introvert has transitioned to being admired through memes and Instagram reels. You’ve likely come across those short videos portraying introverts as amazing people, highlighting that not everyone is meant to be extremely outgoing and sociable. In other words, being shy is totally OK.
But what if you want to overcome your shyness? What if it’s hindering your ability to make new friends or form relationships? We have prepared several strategies to help you overcome shyness.
Understanding Shyness
Simply put, shyness is a feeling of nervousness or discomfort around other people. It becomes especially strong when you meet new people or are in a group. For example, you’re at a party where you know one or two other guests, and they’re busy talking to someone else. You look around and feel like you want to disappear much more than you want to approach people you see for the first time and start a conversation. This is a typical situation faced by a shy person. Maybe you’re afraid of saying something silly and looking awkward in front of others.
Building Social Skills – Step-by-Step Instruction
Do you want to know how to be a cool guy? Talking to people can sometimes feel tricky, but you certainly can learn it. In this guide, we’ll give you simple steps to help you become better at socializing. Find out how to understand others, use your body language, and have great conversations with strangers. If you wonder how to pick up Polish girl (and these girls love open and chatty men), you certainly should check out these steps that will help you feel more comfortable and confident when you’re around women.
Learn to accept yourself
Are you asking yourself how to be cool and popular? Get okay with the fact that you are who you are, and it’s amazing. Yes, you’re different from other people. Or at least, the people that surround you. So what? The best thing you can do is accept it and make the most of it. Your unusual tastes and preferences, the way you behave, and anything else that makes you different also make you special. And special is great! Others will appreciate your unique traits and the things that make you seem odd once you embrace who you are. Who is the coolest person in the world? You!
Try facing your social fears
Think about the situations that scare you. Talking to people you don’t know? Asking a woman on a date? For example, you might like the idea of finding a Polish mail order bride but maybe you are too shy to start talking to different women and find your one and only. In this case, your task for the next few days is to sign up for a dating site and write to at least three people. When you face your social fears, you challenge yourself to become more confident. Over time, this becomes easier, and you start to feel more comfortable in these situations. You will soon realize that you can easily handle things that used to make you nervous.
Practice assertiveness
Being assertive is incredibly important in dating and relationships. If you want to find a single Poland girl for marriage and get her to like you, you should be confident and clear about your wants and needs. How can you actually practice self-confidence when dating? Do it simply by expressing your preferences in an open and honest way. Let’s say you want to take things slowly in your relationship instead of making serious plans for the future right away. In this case, you need to let your partner know by saying, “I really enjoy spending time with you, but I’d like to take things at a pace that is comfortable for both of us.”
Setting such boundaries is an essential aspect of dating. Many women appreciate this trait in men. Basically, that’s how to get a Polish girl—by being confident. Advocating for yourself means standing up for your needs and desires in a relationship. Remember, assertiveness is not about being aggressive or demanding, but rather about expressing yourself confidently and respectfully while also considering the needs and feelings of others.

How Can Your Soulmate Help You Fight Your Shyness?
Imagine having that one person in your life who always knows just what to say to make you feel better. Your soulmate is that person. She is not judging or trying to fix you, but she accepts and admires you just the way you are. She is your own personal cheerleader who always makes you feel like you can take on the world. Isn’t that amazing?
But one of the best things about having a soulmate is the unconditional love and acceptance they offer. Your partner knows you for who you truly are—anxiety, insecurities, and all—and she loves you even more because of it. She will make you understand that the definition of cool person is… you. With this person, you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not or hide behind a mask of confidence. You can be your true self, knowing that your woman will always be there to support you, no matter what.
Final Points
Tired of googling “how to be cool wikihow”? Feeling shy in social situations is totally normal. It’s okay to feel nervous or uncomfortable. To fight shyness, start by acknowledging that it’s common and that you’re not the only one feeling that way. Then, gradually, learn social skills like talking to people and having conversations.
Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you start to feel shy? Next time it happens, don’t try to avoid it by hiding or leaving yet another social event. Force yourself to do it anyway. Go ahead and talk to that girl, start a new topic in a group conversation, and express your opinion, even if it is different from what the others think. Instead of trying to find out how to tell if a Polish girl likes you, ask her how she feels about you.

Victoria Davis is highly sought-after dating coach with a passion for helping individuals find love and build meaningful connections. She graduated from university and soon understood that teaching is not what she wants to devote her life to. Once Victoria realized a strong passion for coaching, she started to help clients develop self-confidence, improve their communication skills, and navigate the complexities of modern dating. The expert feels happy to see how two single souls unite and start healthy relationship. Victoria keeps improving her expertise by attending workshops, seminars, and webinars, where she can exchange valuable insights and practical tips with collegues. Whether you need to enhance a dating profile, master the art of flirting, or overcome dating anxiety – Victoria is always here to help. In her free time, she likes reading, drawing, and playing tennis.