Have you ever pondered the question, ”How long does the honeymoon phase last?” These priceless moments are sometimes referred to as the honeymoon phase or the cupcake phase in relationship jargon. Considering how everything seems to be sunshine and rainbows during this time, it is no wonder people want it to be a never-ending process.
According to Psychology Today, about 60% of couples report that the honeymoon phase typically lasts between 6 months to 2 years, depending on the connection between partners. As a couple moves past this early phase, understanding these dynamics can help them control their expectations and strengthen their bond. So, what are the signs the honeymoon phase is over, and what to do next? Scroll down to get the answers to all your questions and even more.
Key Takeaways
If you want to explore the honeymoon world, its period, and stages, there is nothing better than to start by learning the statistics and facts. Also, we referred to real cases to get the answer to the question, “When does the honeymoon phase end?”
- The majority of Quora users who shared their experiences about their love-struck phase say that it lasted no longer than a year.
- When moving from the honeymoon to a more stable phase of their relationship, about 75% of people honestly talk about their feelings, which helps them to create stability and harmony in their union.
- According to the study, 86% of couples feel the most satisfaction and excitement in their love affairs during that initial sweet phase, gradually declining as that period fades.
- 50% of couples successfully manage to end the honeymoon period and adjust to a new period of their relationship, during which support and mutual understanding prevail.
- 40% of Americans who have been married for ten years or longer said they have a deep romantic love for their partner. The study showed that couples who romanticized one another in the early phases of their bonds were less likely to see significant drops in their union up to 13 years later.
What is the Honeymoon Phase?
The honeymoon phase meaning implies the beginning of serious love affairs when two partners experience a high level of affection for each other, both emotional and physical. Heart racing when you see your spouse, romantic thoughts that pop up in your mind each time you see your partner, an urge for a physical interaction — these are the signs of being in love and navigating through the initial phase of your relationship.
Rarely does anything seem too big to handle during this time. At this point, your partner’s habits that might later drive you crazy are just too cute. There are probably no arguments and fights. They are few and far between because, in the honeymoon stage, love overcomes all obstacles, and compromise comes naturally. This is probably the best part about this period.

What Happens in Honeymoon?
What do partners usually do during the courtship period? Endless conversations, romantic dates, spending quality time together, vibrant moments of intimacy, and a constant desire to kiss and touch each other — this is just a glimpse of activities for those who are in love at the very beginning of their connection.
However, it does eventually fade and the butterflies go away. If partners wear rose-colored glasses, they become more natural colors. You can see slight flaws in your significant other, and it is only on you to decide whether you accept each other as you are or if it is a starting point for fights. In the former case, you will proceed to a more meaningful connection beyond the initial spark. In the latter case, if partners are too confused with reality and can’t stand each other, it might be the beginning of toxic relationships.
How Do You Know When the Honeymoon Phase is Over?
Love is all around and your partner seems to be just an ideal candidate to share life with. Seems familiar? But over time, you begin to notice slight changes in your behavior and the actions of your significant other. Then, the question, “How long does the honeymoon phase last?” becomes relevant. Check out the main signs that you will need to accept changes due to the ending of an infatuation period of your love affair.
The rose-tinted glasses start to slip
👀Sign: Agree that at the very initial stage of your relationship, you are on the moon nine and are likely wearing those rose-tinted glasses. No way could you think that your significant other might offend you, nag you about something, or just leave the dirty dishes on the table. However, as soon as the honeymoon fades, those glasses start to fall off.
🫶🏻Solution: Suddenly, those dirty dishes drive you nuts, and you blow your top each time your partner leaves socks on the armchair. You become engaged in constructive discussions rather than sweet talks. And sometimes, in a very bad scenario, your spouse may tell you off for some things. This doesn’t mean you stop loving each other. It is just a sign that the initial infatuation is giving way to a more realistic view of your partner. Just share your emotions and try to go through them hand in hand.
All those butterflies went off
👀Sign: In the honeymoon period, both of you were walking on air, and those butterflies appeared in your stomach each time you saw each other. It was so sweet and unforgettable that it seemed that it would never end.
🫶🏻Solution: However, those butterflies might begin to go away with time. It is not that you don’t get excited to see or hear from your partner anymore. It is just the case when you proceed to the next step of your relationship. However, this is not a negative thing! Actually, it is a sign that your union is entering a more secure, stable stage where love is more about a profound bond than sensual pleasures.
From sweet to practical conversations
👀Sign: Remember all those talks full of compliments, sweet words, and flirty phrases? And now, you see that those pleasing conversations transformed into an everyday routine — something practical and sometimes even dull. This is another sign that your honeymoon phase has begun to wind down.
🫶🏻Solution: Instead of spending hours discussing your perfect future, you now argue over who will do the laundry and what to have for supper. Even though this change might not feel as romantic, it actually indicates that your relationship is growing. Together, you are creating a life that calls for a different communication style. Just keep in mind that serious bonds aren’t always filled with naughty actions. They are more about mutual support and care.
Both of you want more personal space
👀Sign: All of us are individuals, and no wonder we strive for a personal space. But at the very initial stage of dating, you just don’t think about it and devote all your time and space to your significant other.
🫶🏻Solution: Eventually, you may find yourself yearning for a little more privacy. Perhaps you find yourself missing your partner and wanting to spend time with friends alone on a quiet evening. The only thing to remember is that it isn’t the reason to split up. Looking for a more personal space may mean that you managed to set a more balanced union, and it is just the time to continue to grow as individuals. Mutual support is the key to overcoming possible misconceptions in your couple.

You get engaged in your everyday routine
👀Sign: Less romance and more time are devoted to casual tasks. Every couple faces such a situation sooner or later. In the initial honeymoon stage of a relationship, the emotions and sensations are so vibrant that everything seems as exciting as possible.
🫶🏻Solution: But as soon as the sweet mornings and passionate nights switch to sleeping under separate blankets, the daily grind begins. Whether dining at the same restaurants on the weekends or watching the same TV shows together every night, you get into routines. This is a sign of stability, although some might see it negatively. You are building a life together, and a stable family, and routine is a natural part of that process. Just live your life and enjoy your partner every single day and night.
Slight disagreements become a part of your life
👀Sign: This is probably the most disappointing part of finishing the infatuation period. Instead of cuddling in the bed, you begin to discuss which picture it is better to place in the middle of the room. And these discussions do not always lead to consensus.
🫶🏻Solution: These arguments can be uncomfortable, particularly if you are all about peace and love. However, they are also crucial to creating a solid, long-lasting bond. Often, people find common ground only through discussions that result in compromise. The way you both go through these disagreements will set the tone for your future together.
Your sexual activity slowly fizzles out
👀Sign: While this might be an alarming red flag that identifies some issues between you two, it is always a sign that the honeymoon phase is finished, and now you are both at a new stage, an even more exciting one. While you could engage each other in intimacy whenever the venture took you at the beginning of your romance, now your naughty nights are scheduled (no matter how weird it sounds.)
🫶🏻Solution: This doesn’t mean the spark went off. It is rather a sign of maturity. You are creating a connection between you that is based on profound love and understanding rather than just physical attraction. However, it doesn’t mean that you should refuse those sexy nights. Discuss each other’s expectations about intimacy, and who knows, maybe you can improve your intimate life even more.
You don’t feel that excitement from novelties anymore
👀Sign: Sometimes, those vivid memories that novelty brings with passion pop up in your mind, and those moments turn you on. But you understand now that things have changed. Everything seems familiar, and you can even predict the next step of your partner, regardless of whether these are your naughty nights or the process of preparing dinner.
🫶🏻Solution: The solution to this issue related to the cupcake phase ending is even simpler than it seems at first glance. When the novelty wears off, a greater comprehension of their true selves remains. This can initially be a little disappointing, but it is also a chance to create a deeper, more genuine connection. You are learning more about the true person beneath the surface and are no longer only seeing their glossy initial world.
You notice each other’s flaws
👀Sign: Here you are! Now, you have come to notice the slightest flaws in your significant other. Yes, at the very beginning of your relationship, you might focus on your partner’s best sides. And as time goes by, you understand that everything is not as bright and exciting as it seemed before. You see that the character traits of your significant other aren’t that ideal.
🫶🏻Solution: You can’t always romanticize your partner. Seeing only the best attributes isn’t a healthy approach to love affairs. Never forget that everyone has imperfections. Building a long-lasting relationship requires both parties to demonstrate support and accept each other’s blemishes and vulnerabilities.
Building future plans
👀Sign: When you start dating, you enjoy every moment you are together, without thinking long-term. Once you have been together for several months or even years, you see a person by your side as a life partner. So, it is natural that all your emotions, desires, and feelings are directed to build your future. You start building your future plans deliberately.
🫶🏻Solution: There is nothing bad in the fact that you started laying out a vision for the future. Such actions identify that both of you are ready to move forward and switch from kissing and touching to creating a family life together. All your emotional rollercoasters evened out, and you became more confident in your significant other. What could be better?

What Сomes After the Honeymoon Phase in a Relationship?
How long does the honeymoon phase last in a relationship? After this sweet period, you face reality, which can be even better because you have a person to rely on by your side. Yes, you can take off those rose-tinted glasses, but there is no need to consider this step as something negative. Even though both partners are no longer just floating on cloud nine, they have a perfect opportunity to create something that lasts.
So, what comes after?
- No longer is your love affair ideal. You will notice those little quirks of your significant other. They might put you on edge. But you know, nothing in this life is perfect. Sometimes partners irritate each other. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean they don’t love each other.
- You may experience less intimate moments. Nonetheless, you can still enjoy each other whenever and wherever you want. Though the excitement of seeing each other every day and late-night heartfelt conversations may decrease, do not think that you lose the spark. It is just the start of a more meaningful bond.
- You get to know each other deeply… real yourself and your partner. Yes, you will discover both perks and flaws, but it is the most essential step in every relationship. It means that you are real people with real feelings. There is nothing better than to learn your second half and accept them just for who they are.
So, what comes after the honeymoon period? Not just challenges but opportunities — to strengthen your love, build trust, and create a union that can weather any storm.
Final Thoughts
How long does the honeymoon phase last? Actually, it depends on a particular couple and the feelings the partners have. Although it is impossible to make the honeymoon period last forever, there is something special about the new stage in a relationship after all that sweetness fades and you become real partners to rely on. All you need to go through this period is to be ready for changes, both positive and negative. The more you get to know your significant other, the more things you discover, and not all of them will leave you in awe. So, the best tip here is to enjoy your cupcake period and cherish your partner for who they truly are, with no strings attached.

Maria is a writer who specializes in couples counseling and encourages people to become more intimate with one another. If you come across informative articles with personal viewpoints or research-based pieces that highlight the stages of creating healthy relationships, these pieces are probably written by Maria. The author emphasizes the importance of self-growth before seeking a romantic partner.