Relationships give us an opportunity to feel happy, loved, and secured. When you have the right person by your side, you may set greater goals and achieve better results. But of course this is a scenario when your connection fills you with positive emotions and a total feeling of comfort and safety. Unfortunately, couples may come through different situations during their lifetime. Sometimes they may face challenges or problems. This is when one should understand whether both partners want the same. If they do, then all difficulties will be temporary. Still, if you notice that something is going wrong and your relationships do not make you happy, then it is high time to stop and look around. What is going on? If your partner’s behavior has changed, then probably you may deal with a cheating spouse. But let’s first find out the signs of deception. By analyzing your relationship, you will be able to make the right conclusions.
Sure Signs of a Cheating Spouse
How to catch a cheater? First of all, you need to have a word with your beloved in case you have some hesitations. But avoid being to direct by asking, “Are you cheating on me?”. It is better to start with talking about your feelings. Mind using “I” sentences instead of accusing the partner. First of all, the chances your lady will reveal the truth at once are minimal. Secondly, you risk spoiling your relationships even more if the reason for increasing distance between you is not cheating. Here are some vivid signs that say your spouse may deceive you.
Changes in appearance
You may notice sudden changes in appearance. For example, your spouse started to pay more attention to her clothes. She decided to change her style, have a new haircut, or sign up for the gym. A woman who previously didn’t care what to put on in the morning is now spending more time in front of the mirror, even if she is going to the playground with your kids.
Regular absence
A spouse may fool you if she is regular absent and doesn’t have a clear reason for it. She prefers spending time out of home and refuses to join your company. You may plan to do something together, then, all of sudden, she has to leave. Such regular cases should be a warning sign for you to be more attentive.
Hiding messages and calls
A cheating wife always goes out when somebody calls her. She also tries to hide or even delete all her messages. If she takes her phone everywhere instead of placing it right on the table as she did before, then she may be hiding something or somebody from you. Replacing the old password you knew for a new one may also be a clear sign of a cheating spouse.
Emotional distance
People who love each other, support, and care are very close emotionally. If you see that the distance between you two started to increase and you stopped to be a real team, then your couple may go through cheating. It means you do not talk about everything that is going on in your life. You do not ask for a piece of advice and do not seek support anymore. A cheating wife is very distant and cold. Those times when you shared good and bad moments are far away.
Lack of intimacy
Of course, lack of intimacy is another sign of a cheating spouse. When a person has a lover, everything changes completely. You do not make love as often as you used to. The partner may avoid kissing, hugging and any other kind of physical closeness. It is difficult not to notice, actually. Sometimes, you may even deal with irritation and aggression once you try to cut physical distance between you two.

Decreased interest in common activities
Let’s say you used to play tennis with your wife every Friday or make up a picnic in the countryside before. Did it change? Then it is another sign of infidelity. If your spouse is not interested in spending time with you anymore, then she may have another special one she enjoys to join for common activities. In such situations, your lady may refuse doing things you both liked. She also doesn’t think that they are really important, though she didn’t miss any chance to engage in them before.
Frequent arguments
Finally, frequent arguments may say that you have a love triangle. If earlier you tried to avoid unnecessary conflicts and used to settle down everything at once, now you start to argue without any reason. The style and tone of arguments may also change. For example, your spouse started to use offensive words without worrying that she was hurting you. You may even avoid talking for days and sleep separately. If your wife has stopped listening to you and doesn’t seek an opportunity to over the conflict, then she may have somebody else to talk to and care for.
How to Bust a Cheater?
If any of the above-mentioned signs look too familiar for you and you think that your spouse is cheating on you, then you may be wondering how to catch someone cheating. Well, there are a few effective tips on how to do it successfully. But first, you should understand why you want to know it and what you are going to do next if your spouse really cheats on you. If you do not know for sure, then it is better to take some time. The day when you start your investigation may turn your life down, so you should be completely ready for those changes.
Start a sincere conversation
As it has been mentioned before, a sincere conversation may give you the answers to all your questions. Even if the spouse doesn’t reply directly, lies, or tries to avoid the dialogue, you can see a lot from her behavior or reaction. The psychologists admit that sweating, blinking or excessive movement may say that the person is not truthful. You can use some trick questions to catch a cheater:
- How was your day?
- Who did you have your lunch with?
- What is the reason you are so late home?
- May I check your phone?
- What did you leave so suddenly?
- Where did you spend your morning?
You shouldn’t expect the direct and honest answers if your woman has something to hide. Still, you can listen to her and try to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. In case there are too many details she constantly changes, it may be a red flag for you to keep the investigation going on.
Ask the password for a phone
Another way to sort things out is to ask for the password for a phone. You may feel discomfort, and the woman’s reaction is hard to predict, but you just need to do it. After all, it will be honest, thus better for your relationship, rather than invading her privacy secretly. Do your best to pick up suitable words to avoid making the situation even more awkward.
For instance: “These days I feel that something has changed between us. I do believe that checking your phone will let me get rid of negative thoughts in my head. Wouldn’t you mind showing your messages to me?”
Remember to emphasize that you respect her personal boundaries and do not aim to make her sad. It is just about rebuilding trust between you. After all, trust is the main treasure in your relationship, and it is important to do everything to keep your connection secure.

Check social media activities
First of all, you should realize that social media activities can’t provide you with real facts, though they may let you find some hints. Pay attention to the amount of time your spouse spends online every day. Does she stay late to communicate with somebody on Internet? Does she hide her messages? Maybe the woman has new followers you should get to know better? After getting some insights, you can start the conversation to clear up the situation. Prioritize respect and personal boundaries when you start discussing things that really worry you.
Use tracking applications
How to track a cheating spouse? Well, probably you have heard about tracking apps before. These are special applications that let you watch the partner’s movements. Let’s say your wife claims to visit the dentist, but you see that her actual place is in another direction. Or you notice that your spouse often visits the same place. These are only a few possible scenarios, but probably you have caught the idea. Please do not jump to conclusions and prefer a calm conversation instead of simply catching your cheating spouse. After all, building a close connection is more complicated than destroying it in a minute. You need facts and a sincere wish to make things work for your couple.
Talk to your friends
If you want to know how to catch a cheating wife, then you should consider the help of your common friends. I don’t mean you should approach those people with a direct question, “Do you know who is my wife’s lover?” or something like that. Just take this conversation as an opportunity to get some insights into what is going on. For example, you may say, “ I feel so worried these days. I don’t understand what is happening with my beloved. I tried to talk with her, but she denies everything and says that I am crazy…”. This way you will show your sincere intentions to settle everything down instead of starting a scandal. Your friends may share their point of view on the situation and let you see it from another angle.
Check financial transactions
Another tip on how to find out if your spouse is cheating for free is to check her card transactions. Make sure that you know all cards she deals with. If you notice that she spends money for things you haven’t discussed, or she has gotten a big amount of money from an unknown person, or there are other irregularities, you may use them as the reason for a sincere talk with your beloved. Be ready that she may say you are crossing red lines, but remind her about the importance of order when it comes to finances.

Follow the spouse
How to catch a cheater that deletes everything? Well, if you didn’t manage to find any profs in woman’s messages or social media and there is nothing strange with her financial transactions, then you can simply follow her. Pick up the best option to do it, and be very careful not to get into your own trap. Otherwise, you may get things even worse. For example, you can take a taxi instead of using your own car and check who she is having lunch with. Or, meet her after work all of a sudden to see the real reason she is late.
Hire an investigator
If you do not feel like following your wife on her way to a cafe or workplace, then you can approach a professional investigator to do it instead of you. If you have tried all the options above and have not succeeded, then maybe this last tip will finally work for you. A private investigator has everything necessary for providing you with clear evidence. He will also help get rid of all hesitations at last. But be very careful not to ruin trust in your relationship if the investigation shows you are mistaken.
How to Catch a Cheater Online?
If you are building relationships on a dating site, you may be wondering how to catch a cheater online. First of all, it may turn out to be even harder due to the distance that separates you. It is why such connections should be based on trust without any accusation. Don’t postpone a sincere conversation if something worries you. Avoid being harsh and think of each your word. Watch her reaction and listen to her attentively. If the lady gets confused all the time, then you can take it as a warning signal that something is going wrong. If you appreciate this connection, then you may try to save it. Or, you can get acquainted with another woman who will value you and your relationships more. Victoriyaclub features so many profiles of beautiful ladies, so you will surely meet someone special.

What is the best way to catch a cheater? There are many options to check whether your beloved fools you. Still, you should start with conversation and try each of the recommendations you can see in this article if you really aim to find out the truth and save relationships, or at least try to do it. Mind that a healthy connection is based on complete trust, and you may risk it once you start to inspect the woman’s words and actions. So make sure that you really want to check your gut feeling. Finally, discuss all your non negotiables at the very beginning to show that cheating is not what you expect to get in a relationship. Probably, you will save a lot of time and effort if you give your potential partner the idea of a perfect connection for you.

Victoria Davis is highly sought-after dating coach with a passion for helping individuals find love and build meaningful connections. She graduated from university and soon understood that teaching is not what she wants to devote her life to. Once Victoria realized a strong passion for coaching, she started to help clients develop self-confidence, improve their communication skills, and navigate the complexities of modern dating. The expert feels happy to see how two single souls unite and start healthy relationship. Victoria keeps improving her expertise by attending workshops, seminars, and webinars, where she can exchange valuable insights and practical tips with collegues. Whether you need to enhance a dating profile, master the art of flirting, or overcome dating anxiety – Victoria is always here to help. In her free time, she likes reading, drawing, and playing tennis.