Ever feel like navigating the dating scene is as tricky as finding a needle in a haystack? Do you experience struggles while connecting with singles, both online and offline? No worries! You are not alone for sure. The dating trends have drastically changed in 2024, and we have all the insider information on the newest relationship patterns to help you stay competitive. Whether you are swiping left, right, or just hanging out in the digital dating pool, our selection of facts and statistics will make sure you are ready to find that special someone. Once you are armed with the information below, dating as an adult will be a breeze.

Main Takeaways

Check out the main takeaways of adult dating to take a deeper dive into numbers and better understand how everything is going on. 

  • 70% [1] of people who met someone on dating sites noted it did result in romantic and long-lasting love affairs, compared to nearly 30% who said it did not.
  • The US Census Bureau [2] reports that 117.6 million Americans, or 46% of those who are over the age of 18, are open to romantic connections. 
  • A new analysis of a Pew Research Center [3] survey gives the insights that 36% of US citizens who are divorced, separated, or widowed say they have ever used a dating site, compared to 16% of married adults who say the same.
  • The ratio of men to women on dating apps and sites is slightly unequal. There are 57% profiles of women and 43% of men registered online and seeking for love. 
  • According to a dating survey [4], 52% of men and 35% of women from the US are interested in dating. Almost a quarter of respondents are looking for international romance. 

Is Dating Harder in 2024?

The dating trends 2024 have faced some alterations, presenting new challenges and opportunities for potential love-seekers. No empty words! Indeed, based on the Pew Research Center [5], almost 50% of those people who try to immerse themselves in the dating scene find it more challenging than it was even a couple of years ago. So, what’s the deal? What are the obstacles to dating today?

  • A large pool of potential matches. What is dating online? It is a process that offers numerous choices for flirting and romance. With an increased number of dating sites and apps, love hunters are overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices.
  • Too high expectations. 35% of singles have lofty standards for instant chemistry and perfect compatibility. Nevertheless, only those who address reputable dating sites can boast that they have quickly created rapport with compatible matches. 
  • Hesitations. 34% of those engaged in online dating take it with a grain of salt. Is online dating worth it? Singles often face challenges when it comes to gender roles, commitment, and exploring new dating cultures. 
  • Safety concerns. According to the Federal Trade Commission [6], almost 70,000 people reported a romance scam and their financial losses reached up to $1.3 billion. Potential daters are afraid of becoming victims of scammers. 

👩‍❤️‍👨 Is dating harder for men or women? Actually, since the gender ratio of profiles registered on dating sites isn’t balanced with the predominance of women, it is safe to say that men experience more difficulties in terms of finding compatible matches due to the abundance of choices. 

What Is the Current Dating Culture?

According to dating trends 2023 and 2024, the dating culture both online and offline has also been affected by numerous factors, such as the hectic lifestyle of people, expectations, and overall outlook on relationships. The statistics, facts, and real cases and experiences of dates note that the curing dating culture implies the following insights. 

  • People who are planning their first date are eager to make it as inexpensive as possible. 44% [6] of daters prefer virtual dating and 56% opt for hiking and walking in the park rather than going to the restaurant. Global economic factors are the main reasons for such changes. 
  • More and more couples are all about gender equality in their relationships. This applies to both men and women equally. Potential partners prefer to share their responsibilities, split the bills for their dinners, and pay for the rent and utilities when they move in together. 
  • There has been a notable shift in favor of emotional maturity being valued over physical appearance. Many people put self-care and work/life balance first when developing their bonds. In simple words, people don’t tend to sacrifice their comfort and well-being for the sake of their love affairs. 

57% of singles believe that meeting women online or creating relationships with men is a lot easier when you register on a platform focused on bringing like-minded singles together. Online dating is gaining a high level of trust among people.

Dating Statistics from Victoriyaclub.com

For the past two months, VictoriyaClub.com has conducted an extensive survey to take a deeper dive into current dating trends across all genders, age groups, and multiple nationalities. Both male and female representatives from different age groups and nationalities were engaged in the survey. Such real experiences and opinions offer a comprehensive view of relationship trends and dynamics worldwide.

Below, we present key findings from the survey, complemented by statistical screenshots and explanations.

1. The ways people find each other to create romance

Dating sites remain the main tool for romantically inclined people to look for their compatible matches. 47.8% of those who took part in a survey prove it. Offline dating is less popular (34.8%), while the social media success rate of finding a soulmate leaves much to be desired (17.4%). These numbers reflect a broader trend toward digital transformation in romantic relationships. Couple dating became more straightforward with the development of dating platforms. 

2. Gender ratio

The gender ratio covers the overall situation on online dating sites representing international dating niches. There are 62.5% of men, while the percentage of women remains lower (37.5%). So, the gender ratio is 1.67:1 in favor of men.

3. Age of potential relationship seekers 

As you can see, the majority of singles looking for romance online are between 25-34 (45.5%). Nevertheless, you can meet people of different age brackets online, including younger adults of 18-24, and those involved in the category of 55+ (22.7%). 

4. Aspects essential in relationships

Take a peek at some love statistics. 73.9% of respondents believe that emotional intimacy is more important than physical closeness, which is covered only by 26.1% members. The preference for emotional intimacy may influence dating and relationship practices, which can shift the overall focus of communication on dating sites and apps.

5. Preferences for dating single partners

There are numerous single parents on online dating sites. 52.2% of respondents are ready to create profound bonds with those who already have children, while 47.8% are not. This shows that many people are open to the idea of dating someone with children, highlighting the acceptance of blending families. Also, these numbers indicate that there are high chances of finding compatible matches online, regardless of preferences regarding children.

6. Aspects that engage users in profiles

Out of all the submissions of the VictoriyaClub survey, we found that 56.5% of dating site users assess photos in the profiles of their potential matches, while 43.5% rely on bio facts while choosing a partner for communication. While the majority of people focus on the appearances of their compatible matches, a good bio still plays an important role in how online daters choose who to chat with.

7.Things daters prioritize in love affairs

While love is an essential factor in romantic bonds, judging by the opinions of 26.1% of singles, the majority of people prioritize the balance between love and career. The key takeaway from this survey is as follows: the majority of people aren’t just looking for romantic connections; they want a partner who can harmonize both love and professional aspirations. Moreover, such a dynamic applies to single dating, engaged, married, and those who are just looking to broaden their horizons in love affairs. 


Dating in 2024 has acquired a completely new pattern, and the relevant facts and statistics show a great shift to online communication over traditional dates. While singles worldwide have different relationship goals, the main dating trends are focused on getting engaged into profound bonds rather than having casual flings. 

The advent of modern communication keeps changing the love game, so staying on top of trends and statistics helps you navigate the modern dating scene. The VictoriyaClub dating trends survey provides informative insights into the diverse world of online dating so that each romantically focused single can find the most straightforward path to meeting a compatible match. 


  1. Singles in America Survey – The Harris Poll Thought Leadership Practice. [online]. Available from: https://theharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Singles-in-America-Survey-January-2023-.pdf?utm_source=Newswire&utm_medium=PR&utm_campaign=new-harris-poll-survey-finds-americas-singles-are-happy-fulfilled-and-21953095 [Accessed 10 July 2024].
  2. US Census Bureau [online]. Available from: https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/visualizations/time-series/demo/families-and-households/ms-2.pdf [Accessed 13 July 2024].
  3. Pew Research Center – About half of never-married Americans have used an online dating site or app. [online]. Available from: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/24/the-never-been-married-are-biggest-users-of-online-dating/. [Accessed 13 July 2024].
  4. Survey Center on American Life – From Swiping to Sexting. [online]. Available from: https://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/From-Swiping-to-Sexting.pdf?x91208 [Accessed 15 July 2024].
  5. Pew Research Center — Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Say Dating Has Gotten Harder for Most People in the Last 10 Years. [online]. Available from: https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/nearly-half-of-u-s-adults-say-dating-has-gotten-harder-for-most-people-in-the-last-10-years/ [Accessed 15 July 2024].
  6. Federal Trade Comission — Romance scammers’ favorite lies exposed. [online]. Available from: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/data-visualizations/data-spotlight/2023/02/romance-scammers-favorite-lies-exposed [Accessed 15 July 2024].

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